Available in English and German
We created a visual depiction of the high-level structure and content of the book, including all five plays with their respective moves. You may want to print this out and keep it at your desk for reference. We find it’s helpful to have a reminder of the actions you can take every day.

The Discussion Guide is intended to help you and your colleagues discover how each of you is contributing to or inadvertently detracting from psychological safety.

We’ve created a sampler of five of the most essential tools from the playbook. There’s much more detail in the full playbook, but this will give you an overview of five important tools.
Available in English and German
As a quick reference, we’ve created a set of postcards—one postcard for each play and its respective five moves. Of course, there’s much more detail and context in the full playbook, but you can use these cards as daily reminders.

Available in English and German
Our readers keep telling us that they love the illustrations in our playbook as they contribute to making the ideas more memorable, lighthearted, and fun. As a response to this feedback, Karolin created a visual overview of the key messages.